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Portrait of a woman. - click to view larger image
Alice Yoxon, 1918

Alice Yoxon was 13 years old when war was declared in 1914. At school she learnt about citizenship, national pride and duty, subjects that gained new relevance when her brothers, Fred and Lew, enlisted.

At home, Alice collected recipes, cartoons and cigarette cards, but postcards from her brothers at the front were especially precious.

Australian schoolchildren were excited by the romance and adventure promised by the First World War. Eager to contribute and encouraged by their teachers, they were enthusiastic fundraisers. After leaving school, boys often enlisted and many girls continued to do voluntary work.

In 1915 Yoxon began working with returned soldiers as a Voluntary Aid Detachment member (VAD), or nursing orderly.

A miniature bone-handled pocket-knife inscribed 'T.S.S. Euripides' on one side.
Souvenir pocketknife
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