Thank you for helping to keep our stories alive
Your valued donation helps the National Museum of Australia to develop and protect our collection and deliver education programs and exhibitions here and overseas.

Donor levels
The National Museum welcomes all donations and donors are recognised in perpetuity at these levels:
- Perpetual Governor: gifts of $1 million and above
- Life Governor: gifts of $500,000 to $999,999
- Governor Gifts: gifts of $100,000 to $499,999
- Major Benefactor: gifts of $50,000 to $99,999
- Benefactor: gifts of $10,000 to $49,999
- Fellow: gifts of $5000 to $9999
- Patron: gifts of $1000 to $4999
- Supporter: gifts up to $999
Dr Mathew Trinca, Director:
The Museum is a place that ignites creativity, provides inspiration and encourages growth. Your support is vital: stand beside us as caretakers of Australia’s remarkable history.
Donor recognition
Contact us
Phone +61 2 6208 5189
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