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Clifford Possum Tjapaltjarri, 1976

Dreaming Story at Warlugulong (Warlukurlangu) 1976 by Clifford Possum Tjapaltjarri. - click to view larger image

This strikingly original painting depicts the Warlukurlangu or Bushfire Dreaming. Warlukurlangu, the place west of Yuendumu where the fire began, is indicated by the concentric circles at the centre of the glowing fire-burst, which conveys the explosive nature of the fire. The charcoal grey areas indicate the burnt-out country, and the white dots represent ash.

Discussion questions

Can you see the bushfire?

What colours have been used to show the fire, the burnt ground and the ash?

What do you think this fire would sound like?

Can you imagine the heat of the fire?

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