Barkcloth ngatu tahina
Place: Tonga
Category: Barkcloth
Tonga, l. 120 cm, w. 250 cm, Inv. Oz 575
Humphrey No. 33: ‘Another [large piece of glazed Bark Cloth] somewhat different from ditto [Friendly Isles].’ (see Oz 576)
The barkcloth is decorated with a pattern of diagonal brown lines. There are pairs of two wider spaces in between these lines, arranged in a regular fashion (c. every 15 cm). There is a white border (c. 25 cm wide) at both ends of the barkcloth. Except for a few stripes consisting of parallel brown lines, this part is left undecorated. Inken Köhler, Ulrike Rehr, Gundolf Krüger