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Scene 4

In this scene an injured Chinese man is being tended to by a friendly new settler, James Roberts. Roberts and his family sheltered many Chinese miners during the Lambing Flat riots.

Detail of a scroll on the history of Chinese in Australia - a safe haven.

Helping injured Chinese miners

The Lambing Flat riots were a series of violent anti-Chinese demonstrations that took place in the Burrangong region of New South Wales. The riots were mostly on Lambing Flat goldfields. However, violence also occurred on the surrounding goldfields of Spring Creek, Stoney Creek, Back Creek, Wombat, Blackguard Gully and Tipperary Gully.

James Roberts and his family gave refuge to many injured Chinese miners on their property just outside the Back Creek goldfields. Over the course of a few weeks, about 1200 Chinese refugees arrived at the Roberts station.

In helping the injured Chinese miners, the Roberts family risked having their produce boycotted and being attacked themselves by the angry mobs.

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